Giải pháp tưới sân vườn tự động
Giải pháp tưới sân vườn tự động

Smart Watering System

The smart watering system allows homeowners to control their irrigation system with just a tap on their smartphone or voice command.

Remote control of garden watering

The Lumi smart watering system, part of the comprehensive Lumi smart home solution, eliminates the need for manual watering. Instead, you can easily control and care for your garden remotely through the Lumi Life+ app on your smartphone or tablet.

Điều khiển tưới sân vườn từ xa
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Voice command for garden watering

With the integration of virtual assistants Siri, Maika, and Google Assistant, you can use voice command to control the garden watering system. With just the command: “Maika, water the garden”, your garden will be taken care of even when you are not free.

Scheduling garden watering

The Lumi Life+ app allows you to customize the watering schedule for your garden based on your family’s lifestyle habits. This way, you can ensure that your garden receives adequate hydrations. For instance, you can program your garden to be watered automatically every day at 5pm.

Hẹn giờ tưới sân vườn
Tích hợp hệ thông tưới thông minh vào các kịch bản tiện ích

Integration into convenient living scenarios

The smart watering system can work simultaneously with other smart devices to create a convenient living scenario. You can combine it with the AI Camera Lupa security solution to set up a security scenario: As soon as AI Camera Lupa detects an intrusion, the scenario will be activated with the garden lights turned on, the speaker emits a siren, and the garden sprinkler turns on to deter thieves.

Products set for Smart water system

All Lumi smart home products have passed the CE and RoHS certificate


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Environmental Control

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