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Điều khiển thông minh Lumi

Smart Remote For TV, AC & Fan

Traditional remotes become pointless when using the smart remote solution for air conditioners and televisions. You only need a smartphone to control these devices.

Control air conditioners, televisions, and fans using a smartphone

Control air conditioners, televisions, and fans using a smartphone.
The Zigbee wireless connection technology and infrared controller enable you to turn on/off and control TVs and smart air conditioners based on your preferences. The IR can read approximately 400 commands from popular television and air conditioner brands. This enables you to quickly integrate existing devices in your house without purchasing a new remote.

Điều khiển điều hòa, ti vi, quạt điện bằng smartphone
Bật tắt điều hòa, ti vi bằng giọng nói

Turn on and off air conditioners and TVs with voice commands

Homeowners can experience the power of voice through virtual assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa:

“OK Google! Turn on television”

“Hey Siri! Turn on air-conditioner”

Integrate into convenient living scenarios

The Lumi Life+ app will regularly update weather parameters such as temperature, light, and humidity. To optimize their convenience experience with the Lumi smart home, homeowners can set up the following scenario:
If the air humidity is >80%, the smart air conditioner will automatically turn on to dehumidify, keeping the air dry and comfortable.
Tích hợp vào các kịch bản sống tiện ích

Products set for Smart Remote For TV, AC & Fan

All Lumi smart home products have passed the CE and RoHS certificate

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